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Global Italian food traders

International Italian food trading is our job

Alifood is a word-leading trading company and niche marketer of food and agricultural products, whose core business is high-quality typical and traditional Italian food products and ingredients. Established in 1997 and headquartered in Genoa, a superb city in northern Italy, Alifood acts as Trading Company with unrivalled expertise in consumer food, industrial food and manufacturing contracts.

Alifood performs several functions in food business markets: finds producers, sorts out the buyers and has an important role in logistics services. The core business is to not only to keep in touch high-quality producers and buyers, but also to offer to its clients and partners a complete package of services. Alifood operates as a new food market channel, increasing its activities and investments in producers’ selections, logistic services and also in marketing activities.

We are a trusted global food trader: passion for food is in our DNA

At Alifood, food is our primary emotion, something closely connected to perfection, a perfection attained by a connection with production and the distribution chain “from field to fork”. Alifood has been in this business for years and its daily work is the result of a special recipe based on the combination of five key values: excellence of products and service, experience in tools and innovative preservation techniques, efficiency in working systems, exactness in responses to our clients and partners, and expertise of all technical details and customers’ needs.

Alifood is a joint venture between a group of companies and persons with different experience and knowledge in the trading and industrial field, which makes it an ideal partner for international industries, food services and retailers interested in the Italian “way of eating”.

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