Discover and taste Alifood top-quality selection of frozen Italian raw ham. Raw ham is a typical Italian cured meat, very savory and that dates back to roman times. Raw ham has different varieties and can be found in a number of different countries, but one of the most well-known is the Italian one. It is the haunch of the pig that has been cured using salt and air: this process of preservation is time-consuming, but it is one of the oldest food preservation methods. Italian Raw ham is traditionally served very thinly-sliced and it can be consumed on its own or in sandwiches, wrapped around melon slices, added to pasta or risotto, or served as part of an antipasto. At Alifood, we have frozen the best Italian raw ham to make it effectively available and always-in season, maintaining nutritional value equal to that of the fresh one. Available in IQF cubes or in 3-4 slices tray; taste all the flavor of fresh Italian raw ham!
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Frozen raw ham slices 36 0
Frozen raw ham slices 36 g
IQF raw ham cubes
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