Discover Alifood fine selection of top-quality Italian Taleggio DOP cheese.
Taleggio DOP is one of the oldest semi-soft cheeses produced in Italy, dating back to the 10th century, originating in Northern Italy and named after the Taleggio valley. Taleggio DOP is a fresh and semi-soft Italian cheese aged between 25-30 days and made with a particular process: according to tradition, it is stored on wooden shelves in chambers and in caves. The color varies from yellow to pink and it have a pale yellow creamy interior. Italian Taleggio DOP cheese has a strong flavor, but its taste is relatively mild with an unusual fruity tang. It melts in the mouth because of its special soft consistency and it’s used grated on salads or with side dishes.
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Whole wheel
Taleggio 200gr
Taleggio Wheel
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